Sunday, February 4, 2018

Perfect Dad Super Bowl Sunday

This year Super Bowl Sunday is going just perfect, and kickoff is still 3 hours away.

Below are the chronological sequence of events:

LeBron is upset...always a good way to start your day.
"They should take us off every nationally televised game for the rest of the season. We haven't played good ball and we get our b***s kicked every time we play on national television, so I'm at a loss for words."
Pretty messed up for a father of 3 to use the b-word just hours before the Sabbath.

Oldest daughter on the way to Sunday school with sports talk radio playing in the car... "I just don't like watching like, sporty sports."
That's my girl.
Spent 10 minutes in the chip aisle at the grocery store with around 8 other dads.
Not a word was exchanged. The mutual respect shared between us, in tandem with the understanding of the importance of the decisions being made there, was like something crafted in Hollywood.
TB12 lookin' like a gosh darn TREAT.

I have not been too gassy today.
Please understand, I am a guy who really enjoys my own farts. But with company coming over and my place being a pretty tight squeeze, this is just for the best.

All three kids went down for a nap.
The boy (who has been afflicted with middle child syndrome for over 7 months now) fought the good fight until the "I will have to cancel the super bowl party" card was finally played.

The wife has not stepped out of the kitchen for the better part of 2 hours.
The open floor plan has not discouraged mean words and looks coming my way as I stay planted on the couch, but this is par for the course.

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